Student Government
Our mission is to engage with and advocate on behalf of all students.
Thanks for your interest in learning more about our Student Governance and Program Advising Team! Our work is informed by student’s voice and we respect student leaders as partners in decision-making. We support the student government’s mission to engage and advocate on behalf of all students as we collaborate to build transformative and experiential learning opportunities.
Our core values and philosophy:
- We champion student empowerment and student agency.
- We commit to equity, access, social justice, and an inclusive and diverse campus community.
- We believe integrity means being accountable, transparent, congruent and having the courage to do the right thing, no matter the consequences.
- We value freedom of expression, open dialogue, and honest discourse.
- We embrace the ethic of reciprocity – empathy is the root of kindness, compassion, understanding, and respect.
- We promote knowledge as a life-long experiential pursuit. We understand ourselves in life to be continuously learning and developing.
We have two main goals for our work:
- Framework for a sustainable future: collaborate to strengthen organizational infrastructure and sustainability of the student government.
- Partnership development: The team recognizes its critical role in strengthening the relationship between the Student Government and the Berkeley campus in supporting the advocacy efforts of the Associated Students of the University of California and the Graduate Assembly.
You can find Student Government Advising at 432 Eshleman.
Questions? Contact a Student Government Advisor.
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