Understanding the Health and Safety at Work Act

For your organisation to carry out health and safety responsibly, you must understand health and safety legislation in the workplace. This primarily involves the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which sets out the framework for workplace health and safety in the UK.

In this article, we will be providing a Health and Safety at Work Act summary, as well as coverings other pieces of important legislation that you should be aware of.

Written by Scott Peplow, Learning Content Lead

In this article we are going to explore:

  1. What law regulates health and safety in the workplace?
  2. What are the key workplace health and safety regulations?
  3. Who has the main responsibility for following the HASWA?
  4. Are there penalties for breaching the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
  5. Ensure workplace safety with our Health and Safety training

What law regulates health and safety in the workplace?

The Health and Safety at work Act 1974, sometimes referred to as the HASAWA or HASWA, is an important piece of legislation set out by the government. It defines the duties and responsibilities of the employer and its employees.