Relocation Agreement Template

Streamline your employee relocation process with our comprehensive template, ensuring all necessary terms, conditions, and compliance are efficiently covered.

Identify need for relocation agreement

Define terms and conditions of the agreement

Specify the reasons for relocation

Calculate relocation expenses and packages

Determine duration of the relocation agreement

Define obligations and duties of the employee

Specify consequences for breach of agreement

Privacy and confidentially clauses insertion

Draft initial contract

Approval: Legal Team

Incorporate any revisions from legal team

Obtain employee's consent to the terms of the agreement

Approval: HR Manager

Apply final edits and review by HR manager

Finalize the agreement

Signing of the agreement by all parties

Creating a copy of the agreement for company records

Distribute copies of the agreement to the employee and the employee’s department

Start date of the agreement defined

Identify need for relocation agreement

This task is to determine whether a relocation agreement is necessary for the employee. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that both the company and the employee are aligned on the terms of the relocation. The desired result is to have a clear understanding of the need for a relocation agreement. Are there any potential challenges that need to be considered? How can we ensure that the employee is aware of the agreement's purpose? Resources or tools needed for this task may include the employee's current employment contract or any relevant company policies.

Employee Name

Reason for considering relocation agreement

Consider the following: