Title (Italics), statute volume, jurisdiction, year, chapter, other indexing elements, (session or supplement), pinpoint.
Reference Example -
without a Session or Supp.
Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46, s 745.
Reference Example -
with a Supp.
Income Tax Act, RSC 1985, c 1 (5th Supp), s 18(1)(m)(iv)(c).
Reference Example -
for the BC jurisdiction
Royal Roads University Act, RSBC 1996, c 409, s 3.
The McGill rules for in-text references differ slightly from APA citation style. The following is our best interpretation of how to adequately refer to the corresponding entry in your APA Reference list
("Criminal Code," 1985)
("Income Tax," 1985)
("Royal Roads," 1996)
Title (Italics), statute volume, jurisdiction, year, chapter, (session or supplement), pinpoint.
The McGill rules for in-text references differ slightly from APA citation style. The following is our best interpretation of how to adequately refer to the corresponding entry in your APA Reference list
Guidance in the McGill guide for citing other Indigenous legal resources: